Your customers are evolving AGAIN.

If you want to know where they’re heading tomorrow, start looking at the innovations being launched TODAY.

You want actionable foresight on where your customers are heading next. Regular readers will already know where we stand on how you can find it 😉

Since the year began, we’ve seen thousands of consumer-facing innovations pour in from every corner of the globe via TW:IN, our global network of switched-on spotters.

Why should you care? Because game-changing innovations create new customer expectations. And once created, new expectations spread across markets, industries and demographics. Eventually, they’ll spread all the way to your customers – and to your door!

And that’s why we’re about to dive in to 16 of the most expectation-rewiring innovations of 2016 so far. Your job is simple: for every innovation, strip out the underlying lesson for YOU about how customer’s expectations are changing.